Val Vista Transmission Main Rehabilitation and Replacement
Mesa, Arizona
Kiewit rehabilitated a critical piece of infrastructure that transports 220 million gallons per day of drinking water to as much as 60 percent of the Phoenix, Arizona, population. The project used trenchless technology, allowing the City of Phoenix to extend the life expectancy of the aging and deteriorating transmission main by more than 50 years with little impact to surrounding communities.
This was the first pipeline rehabilitation of its kind in Arizona and the largest slip-lining project of its nature performed in the U.S., by measure of pipe diameter and length, at the time of completion.
Major work involved the rehabilitation of 30,000 feet of 96-inch to 72-inch pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe through split-can, steel slip lining. The project also included multiple 92- to 96-inch diameter valve replacements and new installations; flow monitoring and metering with remote telemetry; vaults and manholes; disinfection and dewatering systems; the installation of 48-inch steel pipe to existing pump station facilities; extensive public outreach and multiple agency coordination.
Successfully completed with zero recordable accidents, ahead of schedule in all phases, and under budget.